Voices from the Field

The Noyce Foundation: Ten Core Principles for Hands-on Philanthropy

Posted on April 1, 2016 by The Noyce Foundation

The Noyce Foundation was established in 1990 by the family of the late Dr. Robert N. Noyce, co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, and co-inventor of the integrated circuit, better known as the microchip. Over its lifetime, their approach to grant making evolved reflecting what the trustees have learned from their experiences and institutional knowledge. … Read More
Voices from the Field

Why We Must Stand Up for Overhead

Posted on March 3, 2016 by Katherine Lorenz

It is critical that donors invest in the long-term health and sustainability of the institutions we are asking to tackle the world’s most entrenched social problems. Starving organizations of strong strategic plans or essential technology—often viewed as overhead and therefore superfluous—actually prevents their ability to use the limited resources they do have most effectively… Read More
Voices from the Field

Walking the Talk: Striving for Authentic Partnership with Our Grantees

Posted on February 23, 2016 by Laura McCargar

In November, PFF Program Officer Laura McCargar joined Michael Moody of the Johnson Center for Family Philanthropy and NCFP Fellow and Board Member Katherine Lorenz of the George and Cynthia Mitchell Foundation at the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations conference in Houston, Texas to talk about collaboration in the context of family philanthropy… Read More