Voices from the Field

The Power of Investing in Volunteer Engagement

Posted on June 26, 2017

As funders, we pay great attention to how potential grantees steward their financial resources, but do we pay equal attention to how they lead and manage their human resources? Volunteers are a vastly underutilized, yet virtually unlimited renewable resource. The need is urgent, the timing is critical, and the support is necessary… Read More
Voices from the Field

How Aggravating is Your Grantmaking Process? Use This Checklist to Find Out!

Posted on June 19, 2017 by Vu Le

As we roll into 2017, there have been lots of articles about how philanthropy must adapt. Let’s take care of a few logistical things foundations do that make nonprofits want to roll up a printed-out copy of our tax filings and beat themselves unconscious. Funders: Please go through this list one item at a time. Then have a conversation with your team about what things you can do to improve your score… Read More
Voices from the Field

Why “Next-Gen” Misses the Point

Posted on June 14, 2017 by Richard Marker

There is something not quite right when people who have demonstrated leadership roles in other settings, have successful careers, and in many cases are well along raising their own children, are still considered to be too young for the decision-making circle of the family. Too often they are all lopped together as “next gens”… Read More
Voices from the Field

Letter to the Field: No Time for Business as Usual

Posted on May 25, 2017 by Sharon Alpert

These are extraordinary times. For more than 25 years, Nathan Cummings Foundation’s mission has explicitly named a commitment to democratic values and social justice, supporting the most vulnerable, respecting diversity and promoting understanding across cultures, and empowering communities. Today, we are facing assaults on the values we hold dear. … Read More
Uncategorized, Case Studies

Using a Donor-advised Fund to Nurture Family Philanthropy

Posted on May 22, 2017 by The R. Howard Dobbs Jr. Foundation, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

The R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation is the legacy of Howard Dobbs, Jr., a lifelong Atlantan who was a respected businessman, a civic leader, and a generous philanthropist. He did not have children of his own but was very close to his sister’s three children. As Mr. Dobbs grew older and began making decisions about the long-term future of the family foundation he’d established in 1959, he turned to his nephew and nieces for leadership. He asked them to join the foundation’s board and tasked them with responsibility for its stewardship after his death. … Read More