But What Do We Stand For?

Posted on January 2, 2018 by Virginia M. Esposito

At our first retreat, twenty years ago this spring, the remarkable founding board gathered at Pocantico Conference Center and tackled this frustration. After some minutes, founding board member, Ira Hirschfield, of the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, shifted the conversation. “We know what we are not,” he acknowledged, “but what do we stand for?”… Read More

How do we work with our local community foundation to train young philanthropists?

Posted on December 15, 2017 by Youth Philanthropy Connect, National Center for Family Philanthropy

Our family foundation would like to work with the local community foundation to set up a program that will help train younger philanthropists – both those in our family as well as other youth in the community. Do you have suggestions for models that others have used? Indeed we do! NCFP worked with Youth Philanthropy Connect, a former initiative of… Read More