Voices from the Field

How Can I Be 1% More?

Posted on March 27, 2017 by Philanthropy Northwest, June L. Wilson

I believe that Quixote Foundation’s reflective practices allowed us to hold multiple truths while engaging in internal and often uncomfortable racial equity training. Our ability to do this work at every level of the organization made a tremendous difference in our final year of grantmaking and grantee engagement… Read More
Voices from the Field

What is Overhead, Anyway?

Posted on March 15, 2017

Overhead is one of the first concepts any philanthropist learns. It includes all of those administrative and fundraising costs that we secretly wish our nonprofit colleagues didn’t have to worry about. But what exactly is overhead, anyway?… Read More
Voices from the Field

Donor Collaboratives: Maximizing Your Philanthropic Impact

Posted on February 22, 2017

NCFP’s 2015 Trends in Family Philanthropy study found that more than 90 percent of respondents cited the “impact of their giving” as the top motivation for their participation in family philanthropy. This same study found that just 45 percent of family foundations participate in efforts with other funders. If grant makers are interested in increasing the impact of their giving, they should give serious consideration to participating in a donor collaborative. … Read More
Voices from the Field

Have We Properly Verified the Tax-Exempt Status of Our Grantees?

Posted on January 11, 2017 by Adrian Bordone

Every grant award offers a potential risk that should be understood and properly mitigated. Providing grants to a charity that has had its tax-exempt status revoked — even unknowingly — can lead to the disbursement being considered a taxable expenditure, prevent foundations from meeting the annual 5 percent distribution requirement, and cause the IRS to levy excise taxes — stiff fines — on the foundations involved… Read More