Voices from the Field

Giving Is Not Like Investing

Posted on May 21, 2019 by Phil Buchanan

A hand holds a dollar bill that is shaped like an origami heart
I remember sitting in a second-year elective course as an MBA student nearly two decades ago, listening to a guest lecturer describe how the “venture philanthropy” organization where she worked was applying the “principles of venture capital investing” to its work. She heaped disdain on what she called “traditional philanthropy,” which, she argued, hadn’t achieved results… Read More

Family Philanthropy Board Chairs: Leading with Joy and Effectiveness

Posted on May 15, 2019 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

Two white women sit at a table, looking off camera to illustrate the Passages issue brief on Board Chairs
Who typically serves as the board chair of a family foundation, and how does the board choose who will be placed in this essential role? What are the responsibilities of board chairs, and what skills, qualities, and aptitudes are likely to lead to better board dynamics and performance? What are the common challenges that board chairs face, and what tips do existing chairs for tackling these challenge? And how do board chairs and leadership staff work together to strengthen board and foundation performance?… Read More
Voices from the Field

Family Funders: Always Important in Rural Communities

Posted on May 10, 2019 by Allen Smart

The history of the United States is marked by wealth created in rural America. Timber and wood products in the northwest and northeast; fossil fuels in Appalachia, the southwest and Rocky Mountains; textiles in the south, among others. Related philanthropic funds have been created alongside these rural industries—often from multi-generational family commitments to these rural communities. With the renewed focus… Read More
Voices from the Field

Be the Architect of Your Family’s Story

Posted on April 4, 2019 by Hiba Seager, Jen Crino, Bill Leighty

Mothers day composition. Photo album, black-and-white picture. Studio shot on wooden background.
NCFP recently spoke with Bill Leighty about how he’s helped keep the Leighty Foundation’s memories alive by recording its history. While many foundations use external production companies, Bill created his family’s legacy videos himself—using his own technological know-how, video equipment, and dedication. His father, Ike Leighty, began the foundation in 1985 after a successful sales and manufacturing career. While the initial goal was to “do good,” the foundation’s mission evolved to address earth protection, education, and volunteer engagement. … Read More