Expand Your Comfort Zone: Taking Risks in Family Philanthropy

Posted on November 17, 2016 by Diane Miller, Rehana Nathoo, The Case Foundation, Tony Macklin

Philanthropy is often described as society’s “risk capital.” Private generosity can support causes and ideas that business and government agencies cannot or will not. However, the idea of risk in philanthropy quickly muddies as we direct our generosity through a family foundation, donor-advised fund, or other collective effort. Our ideas about – and tolerance for – risk diverge, shaped by… Read More

Community Foundation Spark Session: The Community Foundation’s Role Among a Family’s Professional Advisors

Posted on October 20, 2016 by Laura J. Brown, Rod Riggins, Timothy J. Belber, Tony Macklin

Most philanthropic families use multiple vehicles and a range of professional advisors to realize their mission and goals – including partnering with community foundations. How should a community foundation understand its role within that “team” of support? What are ways that community foundations add unique value and expertise in this mix? … Read More