From Words to Action: a Practical Philanthropic Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Posted on May 1, 2018 by Barbara Chow

As communities worldwide are becoming more diverse, they are increasingly tackling the realities of systemic inequity. Philanthropy too must acknowledge its place in the context of transformative demographic changes. Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has been an ongoing challenge within philanthropy, and while there has been progress, it requires continual work. This GrantCraft leadership series paper by Barbara Chow… Read More

Civil Conversations in Uncivil Times

Posted on April 19, 2018 by Anita Brown-Graham, Courtney Pullen, Jon Gruber

Society is becoming increasingly divisive. What roles can family foundations play in finding ways to support meaningful dialogue across “party lines” within their community? Is this role appropriate for family foundations? What are the biggest mistakes that funders make when trying to provide a forum for these types of conversations? Join NCFP as we discuss these and other questions about… Read More

Putting Racism on the Table Video Series

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers

The term “racism” is powerful. It evokes images of the past, a time of black and white newsreels and overt, often violent, acts. The racism of today is subtle, often historically embedded in our institutions and sometimes presenting in biases of which we are unaware. In 2016, the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers launched Putting Racism on the Table, a learning… Read More

Future of Philanthropy Report

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Future Agenda

This report is the detailed synthesis of insights gained from multiple discussions around the world. It brings together views on how philanthropy is expected to change in the next decade from a wide range of experts from 9 workshops on 4 continents undertaken over the past 12 months in Mumbai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford, London, Washington DC, Quito and Dubai… Read More

The Future of Philanthropy Map

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Institute for the Future

The Future of Philanthropy prepares you for disruptive changes at the intersections of giving, social impact, organization, technology, and human behavior over the next decade. Use this map as a big picture “first look” at the research. Look for connections across the forecasts. Highlight the stories and signals of most interest to your organization. The foresight presented on this map… Read More

Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2017

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Lucy Bernholz

Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2017 is an annual industry forecast about the ways we use private resources for public benefit. Each year, the Blueprint provides an overview of the current landscape, points to major trends, and directs your attention to horizons where you can expect some important breakthroughs in the coming year… Read More

2016 U.S. Trust® Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Bank of America Private Bank, US Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Management

The 2016 U.S. Trust® Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy examines the giving and volunteering trends, behaviors, attitudes, and priorities of wealthy American households. The sixth in this series of biennial studies is based on a nationally representative random sample of wealthy donors, including, for the first time, deeper analysis based on age, gender, sexual orientation and race. … Read More