Giving Fingerprints (Franks, 2018)

Posted on September 25, 2018 by Dawn Franks

You are as unique as the pattern of whorls and lines of your fingerprint. So is your giving style. Make your mark on the causes closest to your heart and maximize the impact of your gifts by discovering your distinctive, personal giving brand. I wrote this short book to give you a view of your giving habits. What does your… Read More

Live Stream: Philanthropic Leadership for a Rapidly Changing World – A Generational Perspective

Posted on September 14, 2018 by Carol S. Larson, Ayelet Baron, Sierra Clark, Susan Packard Orr

Our days are filled with news of a changing world and humanity’s attempts to improve it. We dive in to help. Sometimes we manage to adapt to change and sometimes fall back on old habits. We slowly begin to realize that what we learned about work, leadership, and management may not match the expectations of other families, cultures, and generations… Read More

Live Stream: Shaping the Future of Family Philanthropy

Posted on September 13, 2018

Family philanthropy – in all its forms – can change the world. But how will family philanthropy adapt as the world continues to change at a faster, even dizzying, rate? Demographic patterns, the intergenerational transfer of wealth, changing expectations in how we connect and work and communicate together, new ideas around power and equity, and more will challenge both the… Read More

NCFP Community Foundation Family Philanthropy Network Workshop 2018

Posted on September 12, 2018 by Lisa Parker

NCFP Community Foundation Family Philanthropy Network Workshop Join us at a community foundation family philanthropy services peer workshop that will feature facilitation training by NCFP Board member & President and Executive Director of the Lawrence Welk Family Foundation, Lisa Parker. Lisa brings significant experience facilitating family retreats and experiential team building.  There will also be time to learn from your peers… Read More