Community Foundations Topical Call: Supporting Family Learning and Assessment

Posted on September 20, 2023 by Daria Teutonico

Intentional learning and right-sized assessment are hallmarks of effective philanthropy. Donors and foundations frequently ask such questions as: What impact have grantees had? Are we reasonable in our expectations of that impact? Are we making progress toward our goals and vision? Are we improving in our ability to govern and manage our work as a family? Community foundation staff often… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Managing Fee-For-Service Philanthropy Advising and Consulting Work

Posted on September 6, 2023 by Ana Akhtar, J.M. Johnson, Colleen McCarthy Blair, Tony Macklin

The wealth management industry has steadily increased fee-based advisory services, complementing or entirely replacing income earned from assets under management. Two drivers of this shift are the competition from lost-cost investing options shrinking firms’ profit margins, and the interest of rising generations and mass-affluent clients in fee transparency. Community foundations have also been experimenting with fee-based advisory and grantmaking services,… Read More

Unlocking the Power of DAFs

Posted on July 13, 2023 by Betsy Erickson, Arabella Advisors

This paper explores tactics DAF-holders can use to combat stagnation and overcome the barriers—both psychological and structural—that are holding them back, enabling them to put their charitable dollars to work and fulfill the expectations of their roles as funders… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Philanthropic Advisor Competencies

Posted on May 24, 2023 by Dien Yuen, JD/LLM, CAP®, AEP®,, Tony Macklin

The demand for philanthropic advice is increasing and, in response, more firms and organizations are hiring advisors to wealthy donors and families. However, our field of philanthropic advisors and consultants is a beautiful mess of talents, perspectives, responsibilities, and expectations. In October 2022, the American College of Financial Services convened 50 experts and practitioners to envision a more cohesive future… Read More

Understanding Purpose Trusts: Advantages and Disadvantages

Posted on May 3, 2023 by Zoe Schlag, Susan Mac Cormac

Purpose trusts have been around for centuries. However, most practitioners are far more familiar with charitable trusts. Enforced in the UK by chancery courts since the 15th Century and adopted unto the US into the Uniform Trust Code in 2000, charitable purpose trusts have been established to advance identified charitable purposes (instead of specific beneficiaries) but are limited in time,… Read More

Is Spending Down Right for Your Philanthropy? How to Make the Decision and What to Consider in the Process

Posted on April 18, 2023 by Anne Marie Toccket, Priscilla Enriquez, Glen Galaich

Interested in learning more about spending down? Join our Strategic Lifespan Peer Network. Many in this group have decided to operate with a limited lifespan. Others are thinking about the decision to spend down. Key Moments from the Webinar 00:00 Introduction 06:15 Introduction to the McClatchy Foundation 08:18 Introduction to the Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh 09:32 Introduction to the Stupski… Read More

International Grantmaking: Navigating the Challenges of Legal and Regulatory Barriers

Posted on March 30, 2023 by Jessie Krafft

Donors who give to projects and partners outside of the United States have the opportunity to make real and lasting impacts in communities. But when foundations want to make grants to non-501(c)(3)s, the rules governing cross-border funding can be complex. Join this webinar to learn how to support foreign grantees while managing risk, complying with the regulations governing this work,… Read More

International Grantmaking: Trusting Relationships are Critical to Success

Posted on March 10, 2023 by Ashley Barrett, Sylvia Brown, Jenny Kelly, Kimberly Myers Hewlett

Systemic challenges, such as climate change, racial justice and gender equity, exist beyond the borders of the United States. Philanthropic families seeking to ramp up their international giving face a variety of challenges and opportunities, including identifying partner organizations and building trusting relationships with them. Join us to learn how to be an effective international funder and concrete steps to… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Balancing Individual and Collective Giving in Families

Posted on February 15, 2023 by Ashley Blanchard, Tony Macklin

Families often balance giving based on shared purpose and priorities with allowing members to pursue individual interests and goals. The tension between those two goals increases as new voices join the decision-making—spouses/partners, younger generations, non-family advisors, and more. NCFP and Lansberg Gersick Advisors (LGA) recently completed a study of how families navigate the tension and successfully sustain collaborative philanthropy. LGA… Read More