Pride of Place: Sustaining a Family’s Commitment to Community

Posted on March 14, 2019 by Virginia M. Esposito, Gilbert Miller, Kelly Chopus

What does it mean to have “pride of place”? How do giving families retain their commitment to the founding region or community where their philanthropic resources were first created? How can family foundations and funds accommodate increasingly disparate personal interests among those serving on the board while staying true to the original geographic focus of the donor family? These questions… Read More

Community Foundation Spark Session: Building Blocks for Successful Family Philanthropy Services

Posted on February 28, 2019 by Gary Butterworth, Samuel Clark, Michelle Beisker, Susan Willey, Tony Macklin

An increasing number of consultants, wealth management firms, Donor-Advised Fund sponsors, and more are positioning themselves as trusted guides in families’ philanthropic journeys. They’re answering families’ questions about social impact, values alignment, successor generation preparation and engagement, and more.   Will your community foundation maintain a competitive advantage in that marketplace? Will you be positioned as a trusted resource beyond grants… Read More

Balancing Power Dynamics

Posted on February 14, 2019 by David Perrin, Farhad Ebrahimi, John Mullaney, Laura McCargar

How can you use your privilege to address the power imbalances that exist between funders and community partners? How can your board members build more honest and collaborative relationships, while also supporting other funders in building more authentic relationships with their grantees? This conversation will feature a variety of practical tips for bridging the power divide with your grantees, with… Read More