2024 Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop

Posted on April 17, 2024 by Sarah Kirsch, Frank Fernandez, Cara Binder-Kopchick, Betsy Erickson, Audrey Jacobs, Tony Macklin

Community foundations networking at the 2022 National Forum on Family Philanthropy
About the Workshop What The Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network Workshop is an opportunity to learn from your peers and build professional skills. The workshop will include both skill-building sessions on topics top of mind for community foundation staff who work with philanthropic families, and time for networking with peers from community foundations across the country. Where The workshop will take… Read More

Meaningfully Engaging Next-Generation Adults in Your Family Philanthropy

Posted on March 21, 2024 by Jenna Mulhall-Brereton, Cara Binder-Kopchick, Theo Avery, Nicholas A. Tedesco, Kelly D. Nowlin

The guide During this session Cara Binder-Kopchick, along with Theo Avery, Jenna Mulhall-Brereton, and Kelly Nowlin discussed guide’s critical points and shared their own experiences with navigating next-generation transitions. The guide has now been published and is available to read here. 🔑 Key Moments from the Webinar 2:00 Context from NCFP on how our network is grappling with multigenerational engagement… Read More

Save the Date: November Community Foundations Topical Call

Posted on February 26, 2024

Community Foundations Topical Calls offer a space for shared learning on family philanthropy basics, discussion on emerging trends and tools, and regular time for peer connection. More information about the topic for this event is forthcoming. In the meantime, please save the date on your calendar and we will let you know when registration is open. Note: This event and… Read More

Save the Date: October Community Foundations Topical Call

Posted on February 26, 2024

Community Foundations Topical Calls offer a space for shared learning on family philanthropy basics, discussion on emerging trends and tools, and regular time for peer connection. More information about the topic for this event is forthcoming. In the meantime, please save the date on your calendar and we will let you know when registration is open. Note: This event and… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Telling the Story of your Community Foundation’s Philanthropic Services

Posted on February 26, 2024 by Nicolette Rea, Karen Hrdlicka, Tracy Burt, Jennifer Olson Curry

Community foundations have been serving giving families for many decades. Recently more and more community foundations have been re-examining how they are promoting the philanthropic services they offer to donor families. How have community foundations successfully marketed their services to encourage families to partner with them on their philanthropy? What are the changes that some community foundations have made that… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Helping Donor Families Support Efforts to Strengthen Democracy and Increase Civic Engagement

Posted on February 26, 2024 by Ray Barrie-Kivel, Judy Altenberg, Kelly D. Nowlin

The United States is navigating a critical moment in our history as core principles and structures of democracy are under attack. The hyperpolarization of public discourse leaves smaller ground for effective policy formation on any issue. At the same time, however, there are movements across the country that are working to bridge divides, shore up and strengthen justice and equity… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Playing Multiple Roles as a Philanthropic Advisor

Posted on February 14, 2024 by Daria Teutonico, Tony Macklin

As philanthropic services staff at community foundations, we’re called to play many, sometimes conflicting roles: order taker, steward, expert consultant, facilitator, influencer, salesperson, consigliere, and more. How can we effectively clarify and balance the expectations of these roles within and across the families we support? Can we be trusted advisors while influencing families’ giving in ways that align with our… Read More

Community Foundations Topical Call: Engaging Successor Generations and Youth | Connect with Peers Based on Experience Level

Posted on December 7, 2023 by Daria Teutonico, Michelle Beisker, Jennifer Olson Curry

Focusing on engaging successor generations and youth, this session will provide peer learning and connection based on experience with philanthropic advising for multi-generational families. Bring a challenge, a recent success or a 2024 goal to share with your peers. We will divide by experience level using breakout rooms and then have time for sharing insights learned with the larger group… Read More

Values in Action: Thinking Strategically About Your Family Philanthropy’s Lifespan

Posted on December 4, 2023

Join us to explore the considerations of family philanthropy lifespan. In addition to philanthropic traditions, families want to think ahead about their philanthropic timeframe. This webinar will guide families through the decisions surrounding the sustainability and potential conclusion of their philanthropic efforts. Drawing from real-life examples, this session will equip you with the tools to ensure your family’s philanthropic mission… Read More

A Racial Reparations Framework for Family Philanthropy

Posted on December 4, 2023

This webinar will explore a comprehensive approach to reparations in family philanthropy and will provide giving families with a practical roadmap for addressing historical and systemic injustices. Join this session to learn how to foster a more equitable, just and inclusive society through your family’s giving. Resources: Assessment & Learning Primer About this Series The monthly Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy webinar… Read More