January 2023: News and Notes from NCFP’s Members and Partners

Network News highlights updates from NCFP’s members and network partners.
Current NCFP members or network partners are encouraged to email us with news they would like shared with the community.
Rasmuson Foundation Announces New CEO
Gretchen Guess has been selected to succeed Diane Kaplan as CEO of the Rasmuson Foundation in Alaska. Gretchen is a former Alaska state legislator and has experience in health care management and leadership.
Pierce Family Foundation Sunsetting
The Chicago-based Pierce Family Foundation announced its plans to spend down at the end of 2023. The foundation has been a proponent of capacity building and innovation support of nonprofits.
Jason Burnett Named Chair of Packard Foundation
David and Lucile Packard’s grandson Jason Burnett succeeds David Orr as chair of the Packard Foundation. Jason played an active role in developing the foundation’s new strategic plan and is the fourth chair in the foundation’s history.
Nine Questions for New CEO of the David Rockefeller Fund, Lourdes J. Rodriguez
Lourdes Rodriguez is tasked with making the David Rockefeller Fund a “more just, equitable, and diverse funder.” In an interview with Inside Philanthropy, Lourdes shares her personal and professional history and the exciting work ahead in her new role.
Inside Philanthropy Highlights the General Service Foundation’s Commitment to Labor Movements
Some funders are “waking up to the fact that if they want to combat economic inequality, supporting movements that seek to increase wages and improve working conditions is a foundational place to start.” The General Service Foundation, however, was ahead of the curve and has been supporting labor rights work since 1995. Inside Philanthropy explores this commitment.
Central New York Community Foundation CEO to Step Down
Peter Dunn announced that he will be stepping down from his role as CEO of the Central New York Community Foundation after 15 years. The community foundation has seen tremendous growth in assets, grantmaking, and staff size under Peter’s leadership.