The Week That All Jewish Women Turned Invisible

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on eJewish Philanthropy and appears with permission. The names following are updated as of August 26, 2019.
By the women* you can’t see and whose voices you can’t hear
(but who are listed at the bottom of the piece to give credit to the women behind the words)
Once upon a time, there was a Jewish community with lots of organizations. These organizations had leaders, and when the leaders were ready to retire, they launched a search for their successors. The leaders retiring were men. The heads of the hiring committees, mostly consisting of men, were also men. And, most of the successors they chose were men. Then, men journalists interviewed these men about their organizations and all the sources were men. And then, one of those organizations, helmed in the past by a man who had just ceded his position to another man, held a panel to talk about serious issues in the Jewish community. That panel had four panelists: all men. Before they spoke, three other men framed the issue. Collectively, these men talked and made important proclamations about the current state of the American Jewish community. They spoke of maintaining tradition and Jewish identity while demanding that their voices be heard in the larger American landscape.
Meanwhile, in a nearby Facebook village, there was a group of bright, talented, insightful, intelligent Jewish women and non-binary people who had been working in various aspects of Jewish communal life for collective centuries. These women collectively had produced hundreds of works of literature and journalism; crafted educational curricula; led social justice movements; spoken out for equality, safety and inclusion; dismantled hierarchies and woven networks; fundraised and overseen budgets of millions, managed hundreds of employees, forged their own organizations and contributed mightily to the organizations that fuel contemporary Jewish communal life. They were rabbis and writers and educators and program directors and theologians and farmers and lawyers and professors and researchers and social activists and CEOs. They were used to being underpaid and overlooked for career advancement, and were making small strides towards the professional spotlight, which always seemed to keep moving as they approached it. In their private Facebook space, they shared empowering and deflating moments and bonded over successes and challenges. When one of them was recognized, they all rejoiced as if the triumph was theirs. And when one of them shared moments of feeling invisible, others stepped forward with their own stories, keeping them company and providing them with inspiration.
But, one week, things went too far.
With all the turnover in these Jewish communal leadership positions—some of which included C-suite level women but whose appointments weren’t considered newsworthy—they couldn’t help but wonder if women had been considered at all. And when journalists omitted women’s voices from their articles, and interviewed the former heads of organizations instead of the women who are currently in those head leadership roles, and when “manels” (i.e. all male panels) continued to proliferate seemingly unchecked, they found themselves understanding that the road ahead was vexingly brambled: to move ahead, they’d have to fight to keep history in the past and forge a different future in solidarity with each other.
Now these women were eminently capable beings. But they wondered, where was the support of men who proclaimed themselves to be feminists, allies or partners? Perhaps the coalition for equality was particularly weak because the few men who identified as and behaved like partners were on sabbatical or taking leaves of absence from social media. And then they realized: they could only name a handful of those outspoken allies. That was part of the problem.
Maybe men didn’t realize what being an ally meant—that it’s not something one can simply claim as an ideology without action. Ally is a verb.
Maybe they viewed it as a women’s fight, with men’s responsibility only to say, “I support you” and “you’ve got this.” Maybe men thought they were helping or didn’t want to be accused of playing Prince Charming, trying to rescue a damsel in distress. Maybe they didn’t want to be accused of mansplaining. Maybe they would have stepped up if they saw open misogyny, but they didn’t even notice the absence of women’s voices. This doesn’t make them bad people. But maybe men needed it spelled out for them. Because women really do need them as partners.
And so these eminently capable beings spelled it out. They said:
- Refuse all invitations to serve on a “manel,” an all–male panel, and call them out when you see them. If you’d like to learn more about what this means you can begin to change the conversation with these resources provided by Advancing Women Professionals and The Jewish Community.
- Cite women’s voices equally. If you write articles about men taking over legacy organizations, also write articles about women and non-binary people taking over legacy organizations. If you write articles about men taking over legacy organizations, invite reactions from men, women and non-binary individuals. If you write anything about anything, make sure diverse voices are included.
- Ensure gender representation/balance on hiring committees. Work to make sure that the hiring committee is aware of implicit bias, and that the hiring process is designed to work around implicit bias to hire the most qualified candidate.
- Recommend women as candidates for jobs and board positions. Answer queries like, “Do you know anyone who might be interested in this position?” with a gender-balanced list of names. Make sure to consider women for organizational lay leadership roles as well. If you don’t have a list of incredible qualified women at hand, take a moment now to start writing your list or consider asking trusted colleagues for names of smart women they might suggest to fill these roles. And always make sure to list salary ranges on job descriptions so women get fair pay.
- Think about the space you take up and commit to listening. Notice when women’s voices are not being heard in a room and elevate them. Be committed to hearing their voices. Engage the best of your listening capacity and create spaces where we listen first and speak second. And when women tell you they’re uncomfortable, believe them.
- Notice interruptions. Are non-male voices being cut off, talked over, or ignored as a conversation is re-directed? Use your voice to include others who are being overlooked or dismissed. Make sure you aren’t the one interrupting. And if someone has cut off a woman’s voice, say, “I was really interested to hear what X person had to say” and redirect back to them.
- Don’t settle for token inclusion. Adding a woman to a table of men doesn’t create change. Including a few extra women to round out a group of men is nice, but only progressing toward a critical mass – and listening to the women who are included – will lead us toward gender balance. Because when women are represented, we all do better.
- Audit your media consumption. Are all the books you read and movies you watch written by men? Are all the protagonists male? Are women given roles more significant than “wife” or “girlfriend” or “damsel in distress”? Do you know about the #seeher campaign? Does that movie you love pass the Bechdel test? Expand your media intake to include women authors, directors and protagonists. If you need some suggestions, ask a woman and then share the recommendations with another male colleague.
- Give credit where credit is due. This is a deeply Jewish value drawn from Pirkei Avot 6:6, where we learn that the Torah is acquired in a multitude of ways and the final way we are taught to acquire Torah is this one: “Thus you have learned: everyone who says a thing in the name of the person who said it brings deliverance into the world, as it is said: ‘And Esther told the King in Mordecai’s name’ (Esther 2:22).” If you’re sharing someone’s idea, share the source of the idea and confirm its true origin. If you know someone isn’t getting credit for their creativity, art, idea, or initiative, speak up and take action to make sure their value is seen by others.
- Stand up for women. Advocate—in writing, on social media, in the boardroom—for equal pay, better work-life policies, comprehensive family leave policies, and more equitable, transparent methods for recruiting senior executives and awarding prestigious prizes and fellowships for women. Be an advocate: Reproductive health, rights, and justice, as well as violence against women, aren’t just issues for women and women’s groups. Recognize that Jewish women—like the Jewish community—are multiracial, multiethnic, multi-gendered and come from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds, and we experience all the challenges of being women through a multitude of other identities as well. While you should never decide, or even comment on, what women should be doing with their bodies, make sure to engage and advocate alongside women on the issues most critical to their rights today and be a mentor to strong women to strengthen the future of our organizations.
- Ensure a safe and comfortable work environment for all. Are you making business decisions with other male colleagues after-hours at bars, in jacuzzis, on golf courses, on boating expeditions, on the other side of the mechitzah, or at other bro-culture outings or experiences without engaging the voices and opinions of your female colleagues? Are you choosing to take closed door meetings with men, but not women? Create rules for yourself that can be applied to all on your team equally. And, yes, it still has to be said: Don’t comment about how women dress or walk or about the pitch of their voice or if or when they might have children or tell them to smile more. Develop and implement business rules and culture that can apply to all team members, regardless of gender.
- End the Wage Gap. Women become more visible to you and others when they are paid adequately and equitably—and for Jewish women of color, this deficiency is even more pronounced. The men being touted by other men as great leaders can demonstrate their greatness by ending the wage gap in their institutions and influencing others to follow their lead.
- Read this report on sexual harassment in Jewish institutions. The Safety Respect Equity Coalition released a first-of-its-kind report written by Dr. Guila Bechimol and Marie Huber on sexual harassment and victimization within the Jewish communal world titled “We Need to Talk: A Review of Public Discourse and Survivor Experiences of Safety, Respect and Equity in Jewish Workplaces and Communal Spaces.” This inaugural research examines the experiences of victim-survivors, the factors that contribute to victimization, responses by Jewish institutions and leaders, and how we can improve our institutions to create safer, more respectful environments for work, community, and worship.
Having offered these concrete steps to their male colleagues, the women leaned back from their respective keyboards and thought about what might happen next. They hoped, and some believed, that the men in their lives—personally and professionally—would take the list seriously. They hoped, and some believed, that organizational leadership would understand that they could strengthen themselves by creating gender-equal representation that better reflects the population they serve. They knew that while approximately 70% of the employees of Jewish organizations are women, only 30% of the C-suite are women. They knew women who lead Jewish organizations are less likely to have the title of CEO than men who fill the same role in similar organizations.
But they still needed partners: the men who notice when the boys’ club starts making decisions over cigars and whiskey, the men who serve as gatekeepers to conversations women should be included in. They needed men to invite women to have a seat—their seat, if necessary—at the table. They needed men to acknowledge and respect their level of educational achievement and intellectual inquiry, to call them “rabbi” and “cantor” and “doctor” and “professor” or by the other titles that they have earned. That’s what being an ally looks like.
It took a while for the men who read these suggestions to understand that they were being called-in, not called-out, and to implement changes in their own lives and respective workplaces. But soon, they were working in partnership with the women whom they respected and admired to ensure diverse voices were helping to shape the Jewish future…
Boards of directors achieved gender equality, women were considered for – and, at least 50% of the time, appointed to—top positions, with equal pay. And when they saw women being erased in any form—their voices suppressed or their images digitally removed from flyers and newspapers or not being represented on expert panels—these men always spoke up, despite the emotional energy it required. When the world became a space for equality and partnership, people soon forgot it had been anything else. And as for “manels”? Well, that was never really a word to begin with—so when the concept became obsolete, no one even noticed when the word faded away.
And the men, and the women, and the gender non-conforming, and the Jews of color, and the LGBTQ Jews, and the affiliated and the unafilliated Jews, the working-class Jews, and the intermarried, the intramarried, the unmarried, and the people who didn’t define themselves by a marital stage, and the CEOs and consultants and board members and lay leaders and fundraisers and network weavers and writers and educators and everyone else all lived in a thriving Jewish community together, happily ever after.
Are you in? Because we need you with us. Share this article, use the hashtag #EquityEverAfter, tag the women leaders whose voices you admire and want to uplift, and make your own personal commitment to elevating women’s voices going forward. Let’s build this new reality together.
*By ‘women,’ we refer to cisgender women, trans women, and anyone who identifies with the term ‘woman’.
**And yes, this is bad for all women and it’s even worse for women of color and women with disabilities who disproportionately become invisible in the national conversation and every day meetings.
Co-authored by the women of the 5779: Year of the Jewish Woman Facebook Group including:
Jamie Allen Black, CEO, Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York, @JamieAllenBlack
Joy Ladin, David and Ruth Gottesman Chair in English, Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University, @joyladin
Shifra Bronznick, Founder of Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community
Miriam Brosseau, Principal, Tiny Windows Consulting, @miriamjayne
Rachel Gildiner, Founder, 5779: Year of the Jewish Woman, @rlg131
Ginna Green, Chief Strategy Officer, Bend the Arc, @ginnagreen
Sheila Katz, CEO, National Council of Jewish Women, @SheilaKatz1
Idit Klein, CEO, Keshet
Esther Kustanowitz, Writer and Consultant, @EstherK
Sara Shapiro-Plevan, Founder, Rimonim Consulting/Co-Founder, The Gender Equity in Hiring Project @shaplev
Halie Soifer, Executive Director, Jewish Democratic Council of America, @HalieSoifer
Contributors and co–signers (organizations listed for identification purposes only):
- Shaina Abrams-Kornblum, Regional Manager, Moishe House
- Rabbi Rachel Adler, Ellenson Professor of Modern Jewish Thought, Hebrew Union College
- Rabbi Julia Appel
- Rabbi Mona Alfi, Cong. B’nai Israel
- Karen Alpert, Vice President of IT Strategy and Measurement, BBYO
- Melissa Balaban, CEO and co-Founder, IKAR
- Rabbi Jessica Barolsky
- Rebecca Barson
- April N. Baskin, Racial Justice Director, Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, @joyousjustice
- Brianna (Bree) K. Becker, PhD, @BreeSpree3
- Rabbi Judith Beiner, Jewish Family and Career Services of Atlanta
- Laura Belinfante, Director of Digital Strategy, Repair the World
- Rabbi Marci Bellows, Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, @moosh2
- Jamie Beran, Chief Operating Officer, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
- Rabbi Leah Rachel Berkowitz, Co-President, Women’s Rabbinic Network, @rabbilrb
- Dana Beyer, MD, @DanaBeyer
- Miriam Berkowitz Blue
- Amanda Berman, Founder, Zioness
- Rabbi Ashley Berns-Chafetz
- Michelle Blumenberg, Executive Director, University of Arizona Hillel Foundation
- Heather Booth, Organizer, Democracy Partners, #hboothgo
- Carrie Bornstein, Executive Director, Mayyim Hayyim, @carolinering
- Rabbi Julie Bressler, Temple Beth Shalom
- Michaela Brown, Rabbinical Student, Hebrew College, @MichaelaLangB
- Nina Bruder
- Rabbi Megan Brudney
- Rabbi Jillian Cameron, @jillianrc
- Jen Cohen, Cantor
- Amber Caulkins, Director, Rising Tide Open Waters Mikveh Network , Mayyim Hayyim, @A_Caulkins
- Rabbi Judy Cohen-Rosenberg
- Rachel Chertkoff, Deputy Executive Director, CJPAC, @chertky
- Jessica Chavi Cohen, Orthodox Activist, Former Federation Community Relations Director, @JessCohen18
- Rabbi Glynis Conyer
- Julia Crantz
- Carrie Darsky, VP, Talent Acquisition, Hillel International
- Andrea Deck
- Emilia Diamant
- Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz
- Sarah Cohen Domont, Executive Director, Santa Cruz Hillel
- Rabbi Megan Doherty, @RabbiMegan
- Rabbi Jessy Dressin
- Rabbi Denise L. Eger, Congregation Kol Ami, @deniseeger
- Rebecca Einstein Schorr, Interim Associate Director of Religious and Spiritual Life/Jewish Chaplain, Lafayette College, @RebeccaSchorr
- Rachel Eisen, Director of Development (Mayyim Hayyim) / Co-Founder (Mentoring For Equity), Mayyim Hayyim / Mentoring For Equity
- Karen Erlichman, DMin, LCSW
- Lievnath Faber, CEO/founder, Oy Vey Amsterdam
- Joan Glazer Farber, Rabbi-Executive Director, Derekh: A Pathway into Adult Jewish Learning
- Sarah D. Feinberg, Senior Director, Planning and Administration, NCJW
- Elizabeth Feldman
- Sarah Flatto, Training & Outreach Manager, Ta’amod: Stand Up!
- Erica Frankel
- Rabbi Ariel J. Friedlander, @ravaj
- Rabbi Suri Friedman
- Carla Friend, Founder & Executive Director, Tkiya
- Rabbi Serena Fujita
- Beth Gendler, Executive Director, NCJW Minnesota
- Rabbi Kim Geringer
- Amanda Glucklich
- Eden Gobuty
- Faustine Goldberg-Sigal
- Raina Goldberg
- Malka Goldberg
- Suzy Goldenkranz
- Anna Goldstein, Outreach and Teen Philanthropy Coordinator, Milwaukee Jewish Federation, @aegoldstein15
- Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman
- Emily Goodstein, CEO + Founder, Greater Good Strategy, @EmilyGoodstein
- Alyssa Gorenberg, Program Coordinator, Moishe House
- Rabbi Amy Greenbaum, Beth El Congregation of the South Hills
- Cindy Greenberg, Repair the World
- Erica Greenblatt, Director of Development, ADL, @ecca_g
- Rishe Groner, Founder, The Gene-Sis; Rabbinical student, Jewish Theological Seminary, @thegenesisters
- Naama Haviv, Director of Development and Community Relations, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, @naamahaviv
- Suzanne Baron Helming, Treasurer, University of Arizona Hillel
- Monica Herman, Senior Director, Marketing, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Rabbi Joui Hessel
- Elizabeth Heyman
- Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt
- Laura Hyman
- Leora W. Isaacs, Ph.D., Isaacs Consulting LLC, @Aroel
- Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Executive Director, T’ruah, @rabbijilljacobs
- Meredith Jacobs, COO, JWI
- Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Temple Israel, Boston, @suziess
- Rabbi Marisa James, Director of Social Justice Programming, CBST, @marisaelana
- Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster, Deputy Director, T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, @rkahntroster
- Rabbi Beth Kalisch, Beth David Reform Congregation
- Allyson Kapin, Founder, Rad Campaign and Women Who Tech, @radcampaign @womenwhotech
- Malki Karkowsky, Director of Women’s Philanthropy, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Amanda Katz, Executive Director, Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse
- Julia E. Katz
- Nancy K. Kaufman, Immediate Past CEO, NCJW, @NKKaufman
- Rabbi Jessica Kirschner, Executive Director, Hillel at Stanford
- Rabbi Beth Klafter, Senior Rabbi, Temple Beth David, Commack, NY
- Larisa Klebe, Director of Nishmah, The J – St. Louis
- Rabbi Elisa F. Koppel, Director of Lifelong Learning, Congregation Beth Emeth, Wilmington, DE, @rabbiisa
- Rabbi Riqi Kosovske, Beit Ahavah Reform Synagogue of Greater Northampton
- Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein, @Shirakoch
- Danielle Kranjec
- Mimi Kravetz, Chief Talent Officer, Hillel International
- Lisa Alter Krule, Chicago Director, Moving Traditions
- Daphne Lazar-Price, Executive Director, Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, @daphne_price
- Abby J. Leibman, President & CEO, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
- Rabbi Danielle Leshaw
- Naomi Less, Founding Ritual Leader and Associate Director, Lab/Shul, @Jchicksrock
- Jamie Levine Daniel, Assistant Professor, IUPUI, jamielevdan
- Abby Levine, Director, Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, @absindc
- Renanit R. Levy, Principal, R.Levy Consulting
- Sarah Livingston, Executive Director, Hillel at Ohio University
- Annie Lumerman, Chief Operating Officer
- Elizabeth Mandel ,Executive Director, jGirls Magazine
- Elisheva Massel
- Molly D. May, @themol13
- Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler
- Ruth Messinger, Consultant
- Deborah Meyer, CEO, Moving Traditions
- Sara Miller-Paul, Co-Founder, Mentoring for Equity –
- SooJi Min-Maranda, Executive Director, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
- Liza Moskowitz, MHWOW Associate Director, Moishe House
- Carin Mrotz, Executive Director, Jewish Community Action, @mrotzie
- Rabbi Lea Muhlstein, Chair, Arzenu – International Federation of Reform and Progressive Religious Zionists
- Jordan Namerow, Founder, Jordan Namerow Communications
- Dana B. Narter, Ph.D.
- Kate Belza O’Bannon, Director of Strategy, Repair the World
- Yadaena Osband
- Libby Parker, Executive Director, Jewfolk, Inc. @libbygparker
- Nancy Parkes, Founder JTeachNOW
- Rabbi Ita Paskind
- Rabbi Salem Pearce, Rabbi, Director of Organizing, T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, @salempearce
- Rabbi Hara Person, Central Conference of American Rabbis, @haperson
- Rachael Petru, Director of Philanthropic Partnerships, Hillel at UCLA
- Liz Polay-Wettengel, Vice President of Digital Strategy and Content, InterfaithFamily @LizPW
- Rabbi Audrey S. Pollack, Solel Congregation
- Meredith Polsky, Matan
- Lauren Post, Senior Researcher
- Rabbi Sally J. Priesand, Rabbi, @rabbisally1
- Erika Purdy-Patrick, Associate Director of Community Engagement
- Jaime Reich
- Stefanie Rhodes, @stefanierhodes
- Judith Rosenbaum, Executive Director, Jewish Women’s Archive, @jahr
- Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, @TheRaDR
- Rabbi Sara Sapadin
- Rabbi Simone Schicker, @RavRainbow
- Jamie Schiffman, Vice President & Managing Director, Schusterman International Center, Hillel
- Dena Farber Schoenfeld, Branlyn Consulting Solutions
- Haley Schreier, Manager of Engagement and Outreach, Michigan Hillel
- Michele Schulman, New York Regional Manager, Moishe House
- Charlene Seidle, Executive Vice President, Leichtag Foundation
- Rebecca Sendor-Israel, Lay Leader
- Tilly Shames, Executive Director, University of Michigan Hillel
- Mollie Sharfman, Deputy Chief Program Officer – Educating for Impact/Director of Programming – Muslim Jewish Interfaith Coalition, Educating for Impact and the Muslim Jewish Interfaith Coalition
- Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner, Beth Tikvah
- Rachel Siegal
- Emma Silver
- Gila Silverman, PhD
- Rabbi Rebecca Sirbu, Co-Founder, Gender Equity in Hiring Project, @rabbirebecca
- Helene Sinnreich, Director, Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Program in Judaic Studies, University of Tennessee, @another_idea
- Rabbi Marjorie Slome, West End Temple
- Devon Spier, Student Rabbi
- Rabbi Abby Stein, author, @abbychavastein
- Rachel Sumekh, CEO & Founder, Swipe Out Hunger, @rachelsumekh
- Dr. Elana Maryles Sztokman, author, researcher, activist, @jewfem
- Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg, Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
- Danielle Trainis, Moishe House
- Rabbi Dr. Kari Tuling, Rabbi and author, Congregation Kol Haverim, @ravkari
- Rebecca Tullman
- Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath, @Sam_Vinokor
- Katie Vogel, co-founder Havayah @katharinevogel
- Rabbi Miriam Wajnberg, @mirishira
- Rabbi Becca Walker
- Rabbi Debi Wechsler
- Naomi Korb Weiss, Senior Consultant, TCC Group
- Sharon Weiss Greenberg, @notoriuswg
- Rabbi Paula Jayne Winnig
- Rebecca Youngerman, Principal & Founder, RGY Consulting
- Rabbi Mary Zamore, Executive Director, Women’s Rabbinic Network
- Rabbi Deborah Zecher
- Rabbi Lina Zerbarini, Kehillath Shalom Synagogue
Updated: August 20th with additional co–signers – Listed in chronological order (of co–signing)
- Mikah Atkind, Director of K-12 Learning and Engagement, Temple Beth Avodah
- Caroline Musin Berkowitz, @CarolineEr
- Jacki Honig
- Trisha Arlin,@trishaarlin
- Laura Hyman, MAJE/MAJCS, Boston Director, Moving Traditions,@LauraBHyman
- Alisha Pedowitz,California Director, Moving Traditions, @alishabeth33
- Yohanna Kinberg, Rabbi, Kol Ami: A Center for Jewish Life, @Freerangerabbi
- Alicia Cohen Kraus
- Eden Banarie Gobuty, Senior Director of Development Operations, Moishe House
- Rabbi Daniela Touati, KEREN OR
- Alicia Harris, Rabbinical Student, HUC-JIR
- Rachel Leibold, Manager of Development Data and Systems, Moishe House
- Marlee Ribnick, Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager, Moishe House, @marleeribnick
- Ziva Swire, Moishe House, @zivamswire
- Sarit Wishnevski
- Briana Holtzman, Director of Organizational Development, Foundation for Jewish Camp, @bholtzman
- Ann Baumgarten, Sr. Director, Human Resources, Moishe House, @traybaum
- Eliza Carney, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications, Moishe House
- Madison Dore, Manager: Student Life, Engagement & Leadership, Cleveland Hillel
- Marisa Meyerson, The Well
- Yocheved Sidof, Founding CEO, Lamplighters Yeshivah, @yosidof
- Aderet Drucker, Co-Director, The Den Collective
- Hayley Sklar, Program Associate, M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education
- Dr. Lesley Litman, Ed.D., HUC-JIR School of Education, @LesleyLitman
- Deb Scher, Director of Strategic Service & Civic Engagement, Manny Cantor Center, @debscher
- Emily Woolf Gray, Director of Donor Engagement and Campaign Operations, Greensboro Jewish Federation, @emilywoolfgray
- Lilach Shafir, AJWS
- Naomi Tilman
- Julia Crantz, Executive Director, Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation of Greater Washington (TOWF), @JCrantz
- Rachael H. Martin, Director of Strategic Partnerships, InterfaithFamily, @rachaelhelene
- Rafi Yablonsky, Campaign Director, JNF Toronto, @rafiyablonsky
- Sami Sinclair, Vice President, Development, JCC Greater Boston
- Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Executive Director of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
- Rabbi Ilana Garber, Beth El Temple, @ilanagarber
- Tali Moscowitz, Assistant Education Director for Youth Engagement, Congregation Beth El of Montgomery County, @tals24
- Stephanie Levin, Chief Engagement & Innovation Officer, Peninsula JCC, @sblevin2
- Rabbi Kim Blumenthal, Bet Chaverim
- Meira Davidowitz
- Rivka Cohen
- Sarah Waldbott, Director of Development, National Council of Jewish Women New York, @loudactivist
- Daniella Levine, Grants Manager of The Miriam Fund and Development Officer at CJP, Combined Jewish Philanthropies
- Avery Markel
- Sara Beth Berman, Educator, Consultant, Writer, and Podcaster, @sbbEZas123
- Evan Taksar Levental, Associate Director, Hillel 818
- Sami Stein Avner, Executive Director, Tikkun Ha-Ir of Milwaukee, @sami_st
- Lisa Cotherman, Grants Manager, Moishe House
- Caryl Lundy Schacknies, Founder, Bonspark Consulting, @crl26
- Dina Rabhan, CEO, Jerusalem U, @RealDinaRabhan
- Nikki Baron, Israel Experience Associate, NEXTGen Detroit, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
- Tamar Snyder, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, Jewish Communal Fund, @tamarsnyder
- Mrs. Noa Kolomer, Hillel Columbia/Barnard, @NoaKolomer
- Rachel Jacoby Rosenfield, Executive Vice President, Shalom Hartman Institute of North America
- Bonnie Oppenheimer
- Rav Na’ama Levitz Applbaum, Ramah
- Katherine W. Bogen, Clinical Research Program Coordinator, Rhode Island Hospital
- Audrey Bloomberg, Program Coordinator, Temple Shir Shalom
- Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin, Beth Tzedec Congregation, @shrobyn
- Adina Gerver, @adinagerver
- Rabbi Eve Posen, Congregation Neveh Shalom, @RabbiEvePosen
- Lisa Popik Coll, @Lisapopikcoll
- Rabbi Chery Peretz, Associate Dean, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
- Jaymie Saks, Former Executive Director, Boston Jewish Film, @jaymiesaks
- Sara Teichman, Vice President, Operating Programs and Initiatives, Hillel International
- Libby Lenkinski, New Israel Fund (NIF), @libbylenkinski
- Dana Sheanin, Chief Strategy Officer, Jewish LearningWorks
- Rabbi Sari Laufer, @rabbilaufer
- Deb Leipzig, VP Leadership, ADL
- Naomi Sandberg
- Mordy Walfish, COO, Leading Edge, @mordefish
- Sari Kreines
- Adrienne Krone, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Director of Jewish Life, Allegheny College
- Rabbi Audrey Marcus Berkman, Temple Ohabei Shalom
- Anjelica N. Ruiz, Director of Libraries and Archives, Temple Emanu-El
- Dr. Josephine Altzman, @josiebrendaa
- Rabbi Rachel Ain, @RabbiRachelAin
- Leah Meir, Program Officer, The AVI CHAI Foundation, @leahmeir
- Lisa Colton, President, Darim Online, @lisacolton
- Allison Buchman
- Sarah Cytryn, Director of Recruitment and Sales, Ramah Israel
- Brenda L.S. Footer, Director, PJ Library in Baltimore, Macks Center for Jewish Education, @FooterBrenda
- Julie Golde, Senior Director, Community Impact, Jewish Community Federation
- Shoshanna R. Schechter, MA, Ed.D candidate
- Rabbi Sara Luria, Beloved Brooklyn
- Dr. Lauren Applebaum, Director, DeLeT
- Jen Vegh, Director of Community Engagement, Maharat, @jenvegh1
- Dr. Rabbi Elyse Seidner-Joseph, Makom Kaddish:The Jewish Fellowship of Chester County
- Judith Belasco, Executive Vice President, Hazon
- Helen Bennett, Director, Tzedek Lab
- Rabbi Tracy Nathan, Senior Educator, Center for Jewish Learning, Jewish Federation of St. Louis
- Laura Hemlock, Planning Executive, UJA-Federation of New York, @lauramenorah715
- Terry Waslow, MBA, Executive Director, CSJO
- Rabbi Sarit Horwitz, Beth Sholom Synagogue, Memphis TN
- Jessica Emerson McCormick, Director, Rabbinic Fellowship, Jewish Emergent Network
- Rabba Sara Hurwitz, Yeshivat Maharat/Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
- Rabbi Risa Weinstein
- Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, Bayit: Building Jewish, @velveteenrabbi
- Jodi Ochstein, President, Ochstein Strategies, @jodiochstein
- Rabbi Penina Alexander
- Sharon Lipton, Vice President, National Council of Jewish Women
- Rabbi Dr. Erin Leib Smokler, Director of Spiritual Development, Yeshivat Maharat
- Deborah Schultz, Founder, Equestrian Athletic Mission, Israel, @Debs
- Susan Weidman Schneider, Editor in Chief, Lilith Magazine, @LilithMagazine
- Deborah Shub, Director, Leadership Development, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Chicago
- Esther Abramowitz, Associate Vice President for Global Israel Experiences, Hillel International
- Amanda Shechter, Executive Director, Yeshivat Maharat
- Jodi Bromberg, CEO, InterfaithFamily, @IFF_JodiB52
- Rabbi Eryn London
- Lauren Berger, Young Leadership Director, Milwaukee Jewish Federation
- Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
- Rabbi Keren Gorban, Temple Sinai
- Karen Paul, Principal, Catalyzing Philanthropy, @karendpaul
- Alli Lesovoy, NY Design Strategist, UpStart, @allileso
- Karyn Grossman Gershon, Executive Director, Project Kesher
- Rabbi Shayna Golkow, Temple Aliyah
- Rabbi Cantor Raina Siroty, The Jewish Temple-Alexandria, LA
- Amy Asin, Vice President, Strengthening Congregations, Union for Reform Judaism, @amyasin18
- Rabbi Dr. Karen Reiss Medwed, @RabbiKgRM
- Rabbi Ruth Zlotnick, Temple Beth Am
- Cantor Jacqueline Marx, @JacquelineMarx4
- Alena Akselrod, Program Director, Leading Edge, @alyonkah
- Ann Tourk
- Dr. Claire E. Sufrin, Northwestern University
- Leah Finkelman, Youth Engagement Specialist, Temple Beth Elohim
- Talia Kushnick, @tkush1
- Emily Schrader, CEO, Social Lite Creative, @Gipperschutzpah
- Rabbi Samantha Frank, Temple Micah
- Gavriela Geller, Executive Director, JCRB|AJC, @GaviGeller
- Tamara Rebick, Founder & Chief Experience Officer, CORIPHERY Holistic Consulting Solutions
- Rabbi Marci Jacobs
- Rabbi Shira Wallach, Congregation Shearith Israel
- Drew Fidler, Director, BBYO Center for Adolescent Wellness, BBYO
- Dr. Jane Sherwin Shapiro, Orot:Center for New Jewish Learning
- Lisa Fishbayn Joffe, Director, Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis University
- Shana P. Weiner, Equire, Founder/Executive Director, Dinah, @shana_weiner
- Shira Hecht-Koller, Esq., 929 English
- Barbara Dobkin, Trustee, Dobkin Family Foundation
- Carin Maher, Vice President, Talent Aquisition, Sageview Consulting, @carinmaher
- Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn, Visiting Assistant Professor in Israel Studies, Northwestern University, @SaraHirschhorn1
- Samantha Isenstein, Youth and Young Adult Director, Anshe Emet Synagogue
- Stephanie Fink, Associate Director, Family Engagement, Union for Reform Judaism, @ssfink
- Rabbi Marina Yergin, Temple Beth-El, San Antonio, @MarinaYergin
- Brenna Rosen, Repair the World
- Ashira Prizant
- Michelle K. Wolf, Founding Executive Director, JLA Special Needs Trust, @specialneedsima
- Rabbi Marianne Novak, Yeshivat Maharat, BJE Chicago, @the_rabbi_wears_prada
- Elisheva Gould, Learning Specialist, Rodeph Sholom School
- Shira Pruce, Director of Development and Communications, Project Kesher, @shirapruce
- Rachel Brodie, Senior Educator, Jewish Studio Project
- Ilana Aisen, Executive Director, JPRO Network
- Rabbi Denise Handlarski,, @rabbidenise
- Ari Brickman, Senior Philanthropic Officer, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Sarah Rubin Shapiro, Senior Philanthropic Officer, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Rabbi Jessy Dressin, Repair the World
- Alyssa Hartstein, Program Director, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, @arhartstein
- Risa Sugarman, @risasugs
- Micol Zimmerman Burkeman
- Ariel Sobel, Columnist|Jewish Journal, @arielsobelle
- Rabbi Rachel Blatt
- Erica Goldman, Director of Program and Operations, JPRO Network, @readdancebliss
- Rabbi Meredith Kahan, Rockdale Temple
- Maureen Sweeney, Executive Director, Temple Aliyah
- Arielle Branitsky, @ariellerachel
- Lindsay Kerr, Director of Hillel and Next Generation Engagement, Atlantic Jewish Council, @kerrlinds
- Rabbi Deborah Kahn-Harris, PhD, Leo Baeck College
- Rabbah Rona Matlow, @RabbahRona
- Miriam Caslow, M.D., Past President, Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York
- Emily Gindi, Board Member, Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York
- Nicole Nevarez, National Director, Ta’amod: Stand Up!
- Sarah Moody, Rabbinic Education Student, HUC-JIR, @someonessmoody
- Heather Paul, Assistant Director, Springboard Fellowship, Hillel International
- Rabbi Gabi Arad, Founder, Jewish Collaborative of San Diego
- Miriam May, Executive Director, Friends of Arava
- Robin S. Davis, @davis_robin
- Jill Goldenberg, President, Goldenberg Solutions Group and former Executive Director, PEJE, @goldenbergjill
- Ben Davis, Executive Director, Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley
- Eva Gurevich, Doctoral candidate, Brandeis University
- Abigail Weinberg, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, @abbywe
- Liza Lieberman, Director of Public Policy, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, @lizarose31
- Jill Kaplan, YAD Director, Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, @jillk118
- Rabbi Michael Mellen, @michaelmellen
- Natasha Mayer, Manager of Communications and Special Projects, Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York
- Aimee Baron, MD, Founder @iwassupposedtohaveababy
- Rachel Nelson, Director of Educational Initiatives & Intergroup Outreach, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
- Jodi Garber-Simon, Marketing Director, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, @jodigwen
- Rachel Siegel, Director of Strategic Programs, Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York
- Lori Hope Lefkovitz, Ruderman Professor of Jewish Studies, Northeastern University
- Rabbi Ariella Rosen
- Amy Gottlieb, @amybgottlieb
- Rabbi Yael Buechler, The Leffell School, @midrashmanicures
- Lindsay Goldman, Rabbinical School Student, Jewish Theological Seminary
- Rachel Wasserman, Executive Director, Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta
- Carly Ezell Lobenstein, Director of Community Engagement, Jewish Federation of San Diego
- Dr. Sarra Lev
- Lisa Schultz Golden, Chief Development Officer, Jewish Family Service of Seattle
- Gail Reimer, Founder, Jewish Women’s Archive
- Kara Blond, Executive Director of the Capital Jewish Museum
- Rabbi Kara Tav
- Rabbi Jane Rachel Litman, Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion
- Beth Cohn Copelovitch, Education Director, Beth Israel Center
- Rabbi Keara Stein
- Debbie Findling, EdD, Strategic Philanthropic Advisor, Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
- Jamie Lake, Director of Development, Keshet: Special Needs. Extraordinary Opportunities, @lakejamie
- Rachel Arcus-Goldberg, Head of School, Columbus Jewish Day School
- Cantor Cheryl Wunch, @cantorcwunch
- Ariele Mortkowitz, SVIVAH, @svivah1
- Rachel Gross, Executive Director, Temple Micah, @rachel_gross
- Rabbi Jill Cozen Harel, @jillzch
- Rabbi Sharon Litwin, Temple Shaaray Tefila, @rabsharon
- Rabbi Sue Shankman, CCAR
- Aviva Walls, Dean of Academic Affairs, Shalhevet High School
- Jordanna B. Amsel, Senior Development Officer, Shalom Hartman Institute
- Bracha Rutner, Yoetzet Halacha, Central/YUHSG, Kemp Mill Synagogue, Yoetzet Initiative of Greater Philadelphia, @bracharutner
- Judith Plaskow
- Lexi Bock Robbins, Director, Strategic Planning and Allocations, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Guila Benchimol
- Nahma Nadich, Acting Executive Director, JCRC of Greater Boston, @NahmaNadich
- Lori Schulman Yadin, Founder, Create Safe Space, Inc., @las4hoping
- Alana Goldstein, Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
- Dr. Susanna Garfein
- Sydney Ungar, Student Life Coordinator, Hillel at Kent State University, @sydneybelle11
- Jodi Sperling, Consultant and Trainer, Jodi Sperling Consulting
- Judith Selzer, President, Women’s Foundation of Florida
- Rabbi Sarah Krinsky, Adas Israel Congregation
- Dr. Joshua Schor, Daughters of Israel
- Marci Soifer, Director of Operations, Foundation for Jewish Camp
- Stephanie Schwartz, Founder and Principal, Little Bean Group
- Elise Braverman-Plotkin
- Lori Schuldiner Schor
- Rabbi Linda Joseph, @ravlinda
- Cindy Goldberg, @CGExperience
- Amalia Mark
- Rabbi Tamara Cohen, Moving Traditions, @Tamararco
- Rabbi Nicole Guzik, Sinai Temple
- Rachel Happel, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA
- Rabbi Elyse Winick, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, @rewinick
- Naomi Less, Founding Ritual Leader, Lab/Shul, @jchicksrock
- Rachel Glicksman, Alumni Director, Avodah
- Myra Garber, President, NCJW Peninsula, @garber_myra
- Elisa Deener-Agus, Chief of Staff, Jewish Federation Greater Washington
- Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald, Director of Congregational Learning, Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, NJ
- Julie Sissman
- Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold
- Ann Luban
- Beth Gansky, Executive Director, ACHARAI: The Shoshana S Cardin Jewish Leadership Institute
- Maggie Shapiro Haskett, Director, Washington and Lee Hillel
- Lauren Goldberg, Executive Director, Hillel at Ithaca College
- Marnie A.F. Stiglitz, Pressman Academy
- Nikki Golomb, Springboard Ezra Fellow, Hillel
- Rabbi Ellen Weinberg Dreyfus, Shir Tikvah
- Alina Gerlovin Spaulding
- Naomi J. Brunnlehrman, Co-Founder, Jewish Deaf Resource Center, Inc., @brunnlehrman
- Clare Goldwater
- Ms. Merle Feld, Poet, Spiritual writing mentor to rabbis and cantors, President of
- Shana Teig Kantor, Director of Advancement, Frankel Jewish Academy
- Sarah Allen
- Rabbi Rachel Safman, Ph.D., Congregation Beth El
- Rabbi Dr. Laura Gold, Ph.D., Rabbi and Clinical Psychologist, @RabDocLauraGold
- Rabbi Adina Allen, Jewish Studio Project, @JewishSP
- Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran, Rockdale Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Samantha Raizen Walsh, Officer of Advancement & Alumni, Denver Jewish Day School
- Evonne Marzouk,@stillevonne
- Julie Wohl, Jewish educator, artist, author, The Macks Center for Jewish Education
- Dahlia Bendavid, Israel and Overseas Director, Greater Miami Jewish Federation, @Dahliabendavid
- Debra Barton Grant, CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis, @dbartongrant
- Danielle Selber, Assistant Director, Tribe 12, @selbyblink
- Danielle Alexander, Director, Kehillah High
- Naomi Goldman, Principal, NLG Communications
- Nancy Shaw, Managing Director (former), Wilderness Torah, @nancyashaw
- Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, PhD, Senior Fellow, Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, @RabbiSabath
- Tzivia Schwartz Getzug
- Rabbi Ruth H. Sohn, HUC-JIR
- Jennifer S. Odintz
- Heather Martin, Chief Operating Officer, InterfaithFamily
- Susan Holzman Wachsstock, Chief Program Officer, The Jewish Education Project
- Dori Kirshner, Executive Director, Matan
- Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith
- Haley Schulman, Pardes
- Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz, Pop-Up Beit Midrash (London)
- Kayla Reisman, Shames JCC on the Hudson
- Rabbi Dana Z. Bogatz, First Hebrew Congregation, Peekskill, NY
- Ann Cohen, Executive Consultant & Coach to Jewish Professional and Board Leaders, @annfcohen
- Sherry Rosen
- Elana Kahn, Director, Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, @Elanako
- Bess Adler, Director, New York Teen Initiatives, Jewish Education Project, @adlerbe
- Benita Marcus, Director, Donor Operations, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Leora Y. Cohen, Hofstra Hillel
- Dr. Mijal Bitton, Shalom Hartman Institute of North America/the Downtown Minyan
- Diane Cutler Green, Director of Engagement, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Naomi Adland, Director of Program Operations, Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, @naomiadland
- Rabbi Alex Weissman, Senior Jewish Educator, Brown RISD Hillel
- Chen Yurista
- Rebecca Long, Digital Content Editor, The Jewish Women’s Archive, @bex_long
- Merrill Zack, Vice President, Community Engagement, HIAS
- Jory Hanselman, Director, BaMidbar Wilderness Therapy
- Tema Smith, Jewish professional and diversity advocate, @temasmith
- Rabbi Amber Powers, Executive Vice President, Reconstructing Judaism, @RabbiAmber
- Dr. Karla Goldman, Professor of Judaic Studies, University of Michigan
- Tresa Grauer, Ph.D., Vice President for Thriving Communities, Reconstructing Judaism
- Amy Bloom, Director, National Council of Jewish Women Miami, @amybloominc @ncjwmiami
- Rabbi Stephanie Kolin, Union Temple of Brooklyn
- Molly Wernick, Community Engagement at Habonim Dror Camp Galil, @mollydotorg
- Elissa Sard Pollack, Executive Director, Beth Israel Center
- Rebekah Thornhill Tokatlilar, Managing Director, NYU Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life, @bekahthornhill
- Adina Danzig Epelman, Vice President for Talent Growth and Hillel U, Hillel International
- Rabbi Ariann Weitzman, Bnai Keshet, Montclair, NJ, @AriannW
- Lindsay Flammey, Youth Engagement Specialist, Temple Beth Elohim, Wellesley MA
- Cheryl Cook, CEO, Avodah
- Stephanie Blumenkranz, Director of The Hadassah Foundation, @stephblumen @hadasshfdn
- Martha Ackelsberg, Professor Emerita, Smith College
- Hayley Wasser
- Sara Brenner
- Rabbi Yael Ridberg, Congregation Dor Hadash, @RabbiYRidberg
- Rabbi Jen Gubitz, Temple Israel of Boston, @ogubitzrules
- Dr. Idana Goldberg, The Russell Berrie Foundation, @Idana.goldberg
- Tehilah Eisenstadt, Director of Yachad & Family Engagement, CBE
- Ellie Gettinger, Education Director, Jewish Museum Milwaukee, @elliegettinger
- Michele Freed, Associate Director, National Young Leadership, ADL (Anti-Defamation League), @Freedmichele
- Eliana Glickman, Campaign Associate, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
- Jane-Rachel Schonbrun, Development Director, Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
- Rabbi Jill Maderer, Congregation Rodeph Shalom
- Barrett Harr, Behavioral Health Navigation, Jewish Family Service, @Barrett_Harr
- Rabbi Juliana S. Karol, Congregation Rodeph Sholom
- Nicole Samuel, Associate Research Scientist, Brandeis University
- Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, Spiritual Director, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
- Rabbi Megan GoldMarche, Silverstein Base Hillel
- Rachel Roth, Chief Operating Officer, American Conference of Cantors, @mrsjrochicago
- Rabbi Rachael Jackson, Agudas Israel Congregation (NC)
- Hannah Spinrad, Atlanta Director of Community Engagement, Honeymoon Israel
- Debbie Yunker Kail, Executive Director, Hillel at Arizona State University
- Dr. Sarah Shulkind, Head of School, Milken Community Schools
- Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz, Temple Israel, @rabbikaren
- Rabbi Lisa Sari Bellows, Congregation Beth Am, @Lisabellows
- Hazzan Joanna S. Dulkin, Adath Jeshurun Congregation, @joannadulkin
- Rabbi Sherril Gilbert, ALEPH Canada
- Suzanne A. Bring, Senior Associate, Temple Beth El, Boca Raton
- Talia Kaplan, JTS rabbinical student, @tkaplan27
- Rabbi Nicki Greninger, Temple Isaiah
- Ariel Groveman Weiner
- Rabbi Jessica Lott, Hillel International, @ravlott
- Rabbi Miriam Liebman, Maryland Hillel
- Rabbi Sarah Meytin
- Avital Ingber
- Amy Martasin, Associate Vice President of Strategic Human Resources, Hillel International
- Shaina Wasserman, J Street, @wassermanshaina
- Amy Oringel, Editor, Fig Tree Books, @amyoringel
- Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
- Rabbi Rayzel Raphael, Darkaynu Congregation
- Rabbi Myriam Klotz, Director of Spiritual Direction, HUC-JIR
- Rabbi Margot Stein, Beth Israel of Media, PA and Mishkan Shalom, @jewishspeclneed
- Allison Padilla-Goodman, PhD, ADL (Anti-Defamation League), @apadillagoodman
- Sivan Rotholz, Rabbinical & MARE Student, HUC-JIR
- Shauna Ruda
- Amy Saltzman, Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago
- Rabbi Debbie Israel, Congregation Emeth
- Rabbi Esther Lederman, @LedermanEsther
- Jennifer Stone, Director of Student Life, Santa Barbara Hillel, @jenjenrock
- Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer, Director of Clinical Education, Rhea Hirsch School of Education, HUC-JIR, @lnwiner
- Shifra Elman, Jewish Studies Teacher, Kehillah Jewish High School
- Claire Lipschultz, Board Director, NCJW, @clairelipschultz
- Deb Sewall, Past President, Temple Beth El, Augusta, Maine
- Adra Lustig, Director of Education, CAA
- Rabbi Laura Geller, Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
- Cantor Julie Newman, President, Tiferet, @julieEnewman
- Chaplain Dvorah Telushkin, New Jewish Home
- Ellen Carmell, Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago
- Alison Laichter, @alisonlaichter
- Mel Berwin, Director of Congregational Learning, Congregation Neveh Shalom
- Sarah Sokolic, Executive Director, Lab/Shul
- Nechama Tamler
- Jan Moidel Schwartz
- Cheryl Magen, CEO, Cheryl Magen Coaching & Consulting, LLC
- Miranda Abrams-Weisbuch
- Melissa Rosen, @melissafrosen
- Karen Radkowsky, President, Impact:NPO, @radkaren
- Dana Prottas, Senior Director of Teen Engagement, USCJ/USY
- Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, President, RespectAbility, @JLMizrahi
- Dr. Andrea Jacobs, Co-founder, Rally Point for Collaborative Change
- Tova Harris, Board Member, Jewish Multiracial Network (JMN), @sirrahavot
- Regina Kerr Alonzo, Director, Borgenicht Foundation
- Rebecca Missel
- Susan W. Turnbull, Former Board Chair, JWI and JCPA, @SusanWTurnbull
- Dani Kogan, Program Manager, JOFA
- Lisa B. Eisen, President, U.S. Jewish Portfolio, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation